Federal Requirements and LSWPs
UConn Rudd Center:
Alliance for a Healthier Generation:
Berkeley Media Studies Group:
- Eye on Marketers
- Toolkit on Stopping Junk Food Marketing to Kids (English)
- Toolkit on Stopping Junk Food Marketing to Kids (Spanish)
- Stopping Junk Food Marketing to Kids Video (English)
- Stopping Junk Food Marketing to Kids Video (Spanish)
- Target Marketing Soda & Fast Food: Problems with Business as Usual (English)
- Target Marketing Soda & Fast Food: Problems with Business as Usual (Spanish)
- The Soda and Fast Food Industries Target their Marketing Towards Mothers of Color (English)
- The Soda and Fast Food Industries Target their Marketing Towards Mothers of Color (Spanish)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
ChangeLab Solutions:
National Alliance for Nutrition and Activity:
National Association of Chronic Disease Directors:
National Association of State Boards of Education:
National Collaborative on Education and Health:
Nutrition and Obesity Policy Research and Evaluation Network (NOPREN):
Shape America:
The University of Illinois at Chicago:
Wellness Policy and Implementation Example:
Nutrition Environment and Services
Alliance for a Healthier Generation:
Berkeley Media Studies Group:
Center for Science in the Public Interest:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
The Kids' Safe and Healthful Foods Project:
UConn Rudd Center for Food Policy and Health:
The University of Illinois at Chicago:
Nutrition Education
Cairn Guidance:
Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior:
Society for Public Health Education:
Physical Education & Physical Activity
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
SHAPE America:
Action for Healthy Kids:
ChangeLab Solutions:
Employee Wellness
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
Healthy Schools Campaign:
National Association of Chronic Disease Directors:
Integration & Coordination
Action for Healthy Kids:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
Healthy Schools Campaign:
National Association of Chronic Disease Directors:
UConn Collaboratory on School and Child Health:
WSCC Model
The UConn Collaboratory on School and Child Health has created a series of briefs that identify evidence-based practices for each of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model's 10 core domains: